Increase your long term marital success by completing a FOCCUS preparation program
- FOCCUS (facilitating open couple communication ) is an effective instrument for pre-married or commitment couples to openly discuss their communication patterns in areas of interest, which positively influences couples later success of staying married.
- FOCCUS pre-marriage inventory studies found this instrument positively opens discussion between engaged and or committed couples
- FOCCUS research indicates people who take pre-marital preparation increases marital success by a whopping 30% over 5 years.
FOCCUS pre-marriage survey respondents gives a ‘thumbs up’ !!
It’s a great tool to see our strengths, and talk about our differences now, so later problem don’t arise. Our relationship is so much stronger because we saw that our differences were a natural part of the structure of being together.
- The program helped my partner and I talk about our future finances & parenting issues openly.
- The process was fantastic because it helped us discuss important topics which truly changed our life together.
- Contact us today for further information on our pre-marriage preparation inventory.
How the FOCCUS pre-marriage or commitment preparation inventory works
- FOCCUS stands for Facilitating Open Couple Communication
- A certified FOCCUS facilitator implements the pre-marriage inventory.
- The overall FOCCUS process requires three 1 hour visits with our trained facilitator.
A trained facilitator, does not offer advice or fix problems. He or her role is to encourage couples to talk to each other about your strengths and differences which promotes a clear sense of yourselves as individuals 'within your couple relationship'
- The pre-marriage program is not a test there are no right or wrong answers, it is a snapshot of your patterns of strength and areas that may be different from each other and thus could present challenges later
- FOCCUS is available in other languages besides English and comes in a general and inter-faith format.
- A written agree/disagree question format measures couples responses to topics such as, Finances, Life Style Expectations, Friends & Interests, Personal Issues, Problem Solving, Sexuality Issues, and other important value topics are answered.
- The FOCCUS inventory also has responses available for previously married and inter-faith couples
How does the Pre-Marriage Preparation Program work ?
- The pre-marriage course comprises of one (2 hour) session; where your trained facilitator explains how the program is designed to draw out your shared values, hopes and expectations in all important aspects of your relationship , via a questionnaire format. In the final session the facilitator discusses the overall themes of what emerged in relation to each others responses.
- When the course is conducted via internet the steps may vary depending on your bandwidth
- Fees for the 3 hour course via online or face-face is $300.00