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Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual Counselling Gold Coast
Are you tired with the stress of arguing?

Gay,Lesbian Bi-sexual Couple Counselling

Crave Re- Connection??
Do you relate to any of the following?
You want an open relationship but your partner wants a monogamous one?
You are struggling to maintain your love and affection because of distrust, jealousy, and insecurity
You both feel unheard which increases hurtful responses and this conflict never gets resolved which in turn creates more pain and distance.
The endless cycle of fighting is causing you to pull away from your partner
You are anxious and depressed because you and your partner are living increasingly separate lives.
Feeling unsafe because of violence in the relationship?
The affection and intimacy has diminished and your sex-life is suffering
You used to laugh and have fun with your partner but now you are struggling to connect
The Benefits of Gay/Lesbian/Bi-sexual Couple Counselling
Research indicates that psychotherapy helps to modify your brain circuits, improving your access to happiness, helping you to feel less stressed and worried, and supporting you to experience more pleasure and joy in daily life. And this is really GOOD NEWS!
Because, YOU recognise that YOU are not the problem: arguments can automatically activate a circuit in your brain called the ‘fight, flight or freeze’ response and this is at odds with love in relationships. Find out more on why Your Brain is wired to argue.
You learn what types of thoughts and behaviours get in the way of having that vital relationship that you and your partner desire and what types of thoughts and behaviors to practice instead.
You learn how to support each other and grow together as a couple to enhance your relationship and increase your emotional and physical intimacy in powerful ways.
You learn how to re-ignite the fun, excitement and novelty in each other.
You learn to communicate your wants and needs in a manner that respects each partner’s viewpoint enabling you to work as a team in a way that enhances your ability to support each other to be lovers rather than enemies.
Gay and Lesbian Relationship Counselling Services: Why Choose Us?

Research tells us that all couples regardless of sexual preference experience many of the same ‘highs and lows’ concerning intimacy, love, loyalty, and stability in relationships.
We are also mindful that you and your partner experience unique stressors not found in heterosexual relationships. The good news is that you and your partner experience unique benefits.
Counselling Gay/Lesbian couples rests on the principle that as partners you need one another to keep love and avoid war. Initially, it can take time and some false starts to build your loving and respectful relationship.
At East Qld Counselling & Psychology we appreciate that every relationship is unique. We don’t tell you how to be a couple. We work to understand and share your views and how you experience the relationship and your desires. We work with you to achieve your goals and dreams.
Call or text us today to talk to a psychologist on 0404 248 576 or send through an email at Contact Us to book your confidential appointment with one of our team members: Southport or Palm Beach, Gold Coast